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Backups, business continuity, disaster recovery and why you should care.

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

by Adam Zanette
Hard drive

Your company data is more than just data. If it were to be lost, the company itself could go under or face legal repercussions depending on the industry. This is why it is best to use the 3-2-1 backup methodology. Three copies of the data, two on-site (one being the original copy) and one off-site. A proper backup infrastructure or BCDR (Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery) solution means your data or servers are backed up on a schedule (could be up to hourly) and depending on the appliance, can even be run off the backup system itself. In some cases, we have restored clients to production as quick as 15 minutes while the server was able to be repaired uninterrupted. Having a backup itself is no longer enough to keep you in business. You need to be able to maintain business continuity to keep up with today's rapid pace. This means having a formulated plan to be able to restore your business to operational levels. There are several options to fit every budget. Some options even give you the availability to virtualize the servers in the cloud data centre, in the event of a complete loss such as an office fire or flood.

The cloud is great for uptime, and Microsoft is probably not going to lose all your email in a hardware failure, but what about a rogue employee, user error, or even worse, a ransomware attack. One very common misconception with the cloud is that it is backed up. Unless specifically stated in the agreement, it is not! There are several options here, to fit every need and budget. Items can be restored directly to mailboxes/SharePoint as needed.

Are you backed up? Are you able to restore quickly and return to business as usual quickly? Maybe it's time to have a backup assessment done on your business. Contact us today for a no-charge assessment.

Want to learn more, see our video by clicking on the button below.

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